Show News


So nice to meet cat people and their cats this weekend. Very proudly 5 Lady Mary's cats became Nominated for Best in Show at Agderkattens show. Big congratulations to owners and the Lady Mary's family.

My grand old boy Spirit, 13 years old and still going strong at the show bench. Best veteran both days, 2 x Hp and 1 x Nominated for Best in show. His lady, Ellie Eugenia had 2 x cagcib and 2 x Nominated for Best in Show. Their daughter Brown Irmeline had 1xcap and 1 x Nominated for Best in Show. Brown Ximir 2 x HP and 1 x Nominated for Best in Show. Princess Lillijana, made up to Champion, 1x cacib and 1 x Nominated for Best in Show. Lady Mary's breeding 1x Best breeding kat.3.

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Image may contain: cat
Image may contain: cat
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Image may contain: cat

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